ISGT Europe 2022 in Novi Sad, Serbia

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This year, LEES was again strongly represented at the IEEE PES ISGT (Innovative Smart Grid Technologies) Europe 2022. The conference was hosted by the Faculty of Technical Sciences at the University of Novi Sad in Serbia and focuses on multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research related to smart grids and grid modernization.

We would like to thank the organizing team for the successful organization and great three days with many presentations, posters and discussions. The main topic this year was „Together Towards Digitised, Decarbonised, and Distributed Smart Grids“.

Georg Kordovich presented his paper titled „A hybrid Protection Scheme based on Deep Reinforcement Learning“. Christian Scheibe discussed the topic „Integration of an EMT HVDC model into a Transient Stability Study using Co-Simulation“ and Janick Meyer presented his results on the paper „Protection Security Assessment with Guiding Optimization Criteria based on Stability Indices“.

Next year ISGT Europe will be in France and hopefully / probably we will be there again.

Best regards to the friends and partners we met there again and see you hopefully soon.