Niloofar Kamalhosseini

Seyedehniloofar Kamalhosseini, M. Sc.

Department Elektrotechnik-Elektronik-Informationstechnik (EEI)
Lehrstuhl für Elektrische Energiesysteme

Raum: Raum 0.123
Cauerstraße 4 | Haus 1
91058 Erlangen


Jede Woche Do, Fr,








  • Grid forming inverter control methods
  • Power Plant Controller (PPC) and Microgrid Controller (MGC)
  • Control interactions and stability
  • Power Oscillation Damping of Grid Forming Inverters
  • Power System Stability and Control


Offene Seminar-, Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten:

  • Students are very welcome to contact me.

Required skills

  • Fundamentals of power systems
  • Fundamentals of control systems
  • Independent and reliable way of working